SOFTlogic Conditioning System with Brine Recovery System
Urban or Rural Solution
With the H2O SOFTlogic Conditioning System you bring household water to a new level of quality. Save operating expenses by using up to 75% Less Salt and 75% Less Water per regeneration than conventional softeners. You SAVE Money, Water and Energy.
Conditioned Water
It’s clear, removing hard minerals from your home’s water makes a difference you and your family can Feel, See and Appreciate.
Over time, conditioned water savings can really add up. For instance, conditioned water not only delivers greater washing power, it reduces the amount of soap you need to use by 75%. Conditioned water saves money, time and the environment.
Unique Features
• Brine Recovery System (BRS) Saves Thousands of liters of water and Hundreds of pounds of salt over the lifetime of your system
• For Urban use Premium 10% Commercial Grade Crosslink Media
• For RURAL use Premium High Efficiency Softening Resin with High Iron Resistance
• Exclusive H2OCV1 Metered Control Valve
• On Demand Regeneration
• Service Flow Rate up to 27 Gallons per Minute
• Large Ported Valve to maximizes water delivery
• 48 hour Battery Programming Backup
The BRS is a patented design using an electric ball valve to divert water during a regeneration, from waste water drain line to the brine tank. The fully electronic control will calculate when resin bed regeneration is necessary and will initiate the cycle, automatically and selectively recovering salt and water with each regeneration.
The BRS will annually save users thousands of litres of water and hundreds of pounds of salt. Up to 21% in reduced salt usage that will not go down the drain and into the environment. That adds up to big savings in water bills and salt purchases. Save Water, Salt and Money!
With your H2O SOFTlogic Conditioning System you will enjoy:
• Water That Feels Better
• Softer, smoother, healthier looking skin and hair
• Brighter, softer, cleaner clothes.
• Sparkling clean dishes. Spot-free!
• Easier to clean kitchen sinks and bathtubs.
• Save up to 75% on soaps, shampoos, cleansers and detergents.
• Reduced scale build-up in plumbing systems and appliances.
• Save up to 21%-29% on your water heating bills.
• Extends life of water using appliances.
Download the SOFTlogic Conditioning System
To learn more about the H2O SOFTlogic Conditioning System, please click on the button to download a copy of our specification brochure.